Google Reader vs. Newsgator

Brad Wilson and a few others have commented on the revamped Google Reader. I decided to check it out myself. I've been a long time user of the original NewsGator Inbox (aka NewsGator for Outlook), complemented for the past year or so with NewsGator Online. I can't complain about it,...

Some Recent Reading

One of my favourite things in the world is reading books, not only technical in nature, btw. So I just wanted to stop my usual technical babble to mention some of the things I've been reading recently. I'm usually a big Sci-Fi and Fantasy junkie, but I also enjoy a...

How Pipeline Component Assemblies are Loaded

One topic that sometimes causes confusion when developing custom pipeline components in BizTalk Server is how, and where, should their assemblies should be deployed and how they are loaded by BizTalk. Let's talk a little bit about it. In BizTalk Server 2004, there was only one place to deploy your...

BizTalk and Single-Quoted Attributes in XML

The XML Specification allows attribute values to be wrapped with either double quotes (") or single quotes ('). Normally, BizTalk Server, as a good standard-abiding citizen, has no problem with this. However, I had been seeing messages on the BizTalk newsgroup claiming that BizTalk would refuse to process XML documents using single quotes...

MS Forums and Firefox

I'm normally a happy Firefox user (can't really stand IE too much nowadays, and don't particularly care much for IE7 right now), even with the fairly massive ammounts of memory it leaks. That said, there's one issue that has been driving me crazy: The Microsoft Forums. The problem is that,...

Checking Binary Dependencies in Source Control

Jeremy D. Miller continued his discussion on getting a project running from the scratch (a fine list) with a new post on keeping all your binary dependencies as part of your solution's tree in source control. I can only agree with this statement, and it's something that's really useful. The...

Super Colossal And Other Music

A few weeks ago I got Joe Satriani's latest album, Super Colossal, with a gift certificate I got  for my birthday. I'm a big fan of Satriani's music, and I was not disappointed by Super Colossal; it's a pretty fun album. The songs I liked most so far are One Robot's...

Inline XSD in WSDL with WCF

I've said in the past that a large part of the apparent complexity of WSDL had nothing to do with WSDL at all; it was rather caused by the inline inclusion of XSDs in the <wsdl:types/> section. I'm a big fan of creating your schemas separately and then importing them into...

Custom WCF Behaviors Through App.Config

You can create extension elements in your WCF configuration files in order to support introducing custom behaviors (such as IEndpointBehavior-implementations) into the processing pipeline in a declarative manner. However, the documentation online at this moment isn't too clear on the issue (well, it's outdated, so of course it's not clear!)....

MVP 2006

I'm happy to report it appears I've been awarded this year once again as a Microsoft MVP. Yeah! Technorati: MVP, Microsoft<br />