Runtime Services in App.Config in WF

In Windows Workflow Foundation, you have two different ways of adding runtime services to the Workflow Engine: Through code, by using the AddService() method of the WorkflowRuntime class Through the application configuration file, by adding an entry to the <services/> tag. The latter is possible not only for the default...

Things to know about WF

Harry Pierson comments here and here about "stuff he didn't know about WF". Pay attention; some good tidbits of knowledge you'll find in there. Pay particular attention when he says which features of WF as implemented on V1 are "toys"; it will save you a lot of grief down the...

IParameterInspector and Faults

One thing I didn't mention in my past articles about the IParameterInspector in Windows Communication Foundation is how it behaves when an operation returns a fault (throws an exception). The answer is: It doesn't. When the operation faults, the AfterCall() method in your parameter inspector will never be called. Technorati:...

Changing E-Mail Address

I've been using my address for the past 7 years, but I've been having too much problems with it lately like emails getting lost on the way or getting rejected. So, with much regret, I've decided to migrate a lot of my "regular" email over to a new address...

A Puzzle Solved

One of my favorite pastimes is solving jigsaw puzzles; it's a lot of fun and I have several around I've worked on (even more than once). Here's the latest one I've been working on and just finished:   It was a birthday present from my sister; it's a small, 1000...

No Trackbacks for you!

Like others, I had to finally cave in and disable trackbacks on my blog for now. I deleted more than 400 spam trackbacks over the weekend, or, rather, I had to delete the same 20 spam trackbacks on a single entry over and over again. Maybe I'll implement a way...

Multiple Definitions in .Net FX 3.0

One of the things I've found very curious about the .NET Framework 3.0 libraries is that it has multiple definitions of what I presume are esentially the same classes. Have you noticed that there are two DependencyProperty classes, two DependencyObject classes, two PropertyMetadata classes and so forth? One for Windows...

DependencyProperties and Default Values

if you've ever implemented design time support for a component or control in .NET, then you're probably familiar with the [DefaultValue] attribute, which allows the component developer to tell the designer what the default value for a given property is so that the "Reset" option in the property grid is...

if ( machine.Speed == Speeds.Slow ) machine.Remove(Dust);

Lately, I had been feeling my laptop somewhat sluggish, particularly relating to video. I was starting to believe maybe it was time for a clean format and repaving it, but then I realized that most of the time the fans were on and fairly noisy and realized it might be...

Custom TypeDescriptors and WF Activities

While playing today with Windows Workflow Foundation I ran into something others might run into, and thought I would put it out there. I've been playing specifically with extending in various forms the design time support for a custom activity, and playing with dynamic/synthetized properties on them. Usually this is...