You can create extension elements in your WCF configuration files in order to support introducing custom behaviors (such as IEndpointBehavior-implementations) into the processing pipeline in a declarative manner. However, the documentation online at this moment isn't too clear on the issue (well, it's outdated, so of course it's not clear!).

Doing it fortunately is not hard; here's how to:

1. Create your custom behavior configuration element by creating a class that derives from the System.ServiceModel.Configuration.BehaviorExtensionElement class.

2. Add any properties you need to the class to represent attributes in the configuration element, and mark them with the [ConfigurationElement] attribute. For example:


/// Notice to add to the service

/// WSDL and XSD


[ConfigurationProperty("notice", DefaultValue="", IsRequired=true)]

public string Notice


   get { return (string)base["notice"]; }

   set { base["notice"] = value; }


3. Override the BehaviorType property and return the type of the behavior your configuration element will introduce into the pipeline:


/// Return the type of the behavior we configure

override Type BehaviorType
get { return typeof(WsdlNoticeBehavior); }

4. Override the CreateBehavior() method; this is where you create and return an instance of your custom behavior based on the properties you hold from the configuration element:


/// Create an instance of the behavior
/// we represent

/// The WsdlNoticeBehavior instance
protected override object CreateBehavior()
   return new WsdlNoticeBehavior(Notice);

5. You'll likely want to override the Properties property and the CopyFrom() method as well:

private ConfigurationPropertyCollection _properties; 

/// Return a collection of all our properties

protected override ConfigurationPropertyCollection Properties
if ( _properties == null )
_properties =
new ConfigurationPropertyCollection();
new ConfigurationProperty(
typeof(string), "",
return _properties;

/// Copy the information of another element into

The element from which to copy
override void CopyFrom(ServiceModelExtensionElement from)
WsdlNoticeElement element = (WsdlNoticeElement)from;
Notice = element.Notice;

After this, you're ready to introduce your behavior into the configuration file. First, you need to register your custom behavior configuration element by adding it in the // element:

<add name="wsdlNotice"
Winterdom.ServiceModel.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null"


Now you can use your custom element in the correct behaviors collection:

<behavior name="EndpointBehaviors">
<wsdlNotice notice="This is a notice"/>

That's it!

Tomas Restrepo

Software developer located in Colombia.