NTFS Data Streams and .NET

Several people have written in the past about accessing Alternate Data Streams in the NTFS file system from .NET code. The reason for this is that accessing streams is not natively supported in .NET. What you don't hear very often is exactly why this is so. There are two things...

TortoiseSVN and Putty

Last week, I was trying to connect to an SVN repository over SSH, using TortoiseSVN and Putty. I found a the faq on how to configure everything and checked it to make sure I was doing everything right. I tried to connect. TortoiseSVN asked for my certificate password. And then,...

What I don't like about E: Cygwin

My good friend Sam Gentile blogged about his new dev environment for Ruby using the E Text Editor alongside cygwin and Console. I find E an interesting editor because of its TextMate-like functionality, and because pretty much everyone who has used TextMate raves about it (though I haven't used it...


I've been playing a bit with Irony, an open source .NET compiler construction toolkit created by Roman Ivantsov. My interest in Irony was sparked after watching the video of Roman's presentation at Lang.NET 2008 (I'd link to it, but they are unavailable at the moment). Currently, I have a little...

The Command History in PowerShell

Sometimes you're executing a series of commands when using the PowerShell console and have to go back and forth repeating commands you've used before. Sometimes, just using the up/down arrow keys is enough (or their close cousins: F7, F8 and F9). However, sometimes it isn't enough. One of the issues...

Filenames Starting with a Dot

In Unix, it's common to name files and folders with names starting with a '.' to make them "hidden". This convention is not really needed in Windows, since there's a file system attribute for that, but still interesting. See, a few tools ported from Unix that relied on this convention...

More Music

Here's some music I've recently gotten my hands on: Dokken: From Conception - Live 1981. Dokken playing live at its best. It's also my second Dokken live album, as I already owned their Live from the Sun album. Edguy: Hellfire Club. Edguy's always a fun band; several good tracks in...

Can't Remove Drive on Vista SP1

I haven't noticed many issues with Vista SP1, despite some stuff I've read around; though overall haven't really noticed any significant performance difference besides file operations using Windows Explorer. That said, I've noticed one nasty issue: I use an external USB drive that has a bunch of virtual machines, my...


Something I ran into yesterday: There are two variants to Ast.ComplexCallHelper() in the DLR: One takes a MethodInfo and the other a Delegate as the invocation target. The MethodInfo variant does not check for the presence of a CodeContext argument, while the Delegate version handles this correctly. Not quite sure...

Simple Is Beautiful

Am I the only one that thinks the Windows Server 2008 logon screen, with it's very simple blue background, is so much better looking that Vista's ugly and distracting "aurora" background? There's just something highly appealing to me about keeping things simple and elegant... Technorati tags: Windows Server 2008 </p>...