In a previous post, I discussed how to setup OAuth2 authorization in API Management using Azure Active Directory. This time I’d like to show something very similar, but using Azure AD B2C instead.

Once again, I’ll assume you already have an API implemented and configured in API Management. I’ll use the same PQR service I used last time as an example.

Step 1: Creating the B2C Sign-in Policy

Before we can integrate with Azure AD B2C, we need to create a new sign-in policy that we can use to obtain a token later on. Using the Azure Portal AAD B2C module, I’ll create a new Sign-i policy named b2c-apim-pqr supporting local accounts, as well as Facebook.

Creating the sign-in policy

I also enable basic application claims to include in the token, such as first/last name and email addresses.

Step 2: Creating the applications

Like in the previous post, we need to create two applications of type Web App / Web Api. One for our PQR API, and another for the API Management Portal instead. I’ll create the PQR API app first:

Creating api application

I’ll then create the portal application:

Creating portal application

As usual, we’ll update the Reply URLs of the portal application once we create the authorization server in API Management.

Now, I need to grant the portal application permissions to the api one:

Granting Permissions

I’ll also generate a new key for the portal application, and make note of both the ApplicationId, as well as the new key.

Step 3: Creating the OAuth2 Authorization Server

Back in API Management, it’s time to create our OAuth2 authorization server. This will be pretty much the same as last time, with a few minor changes. I’ll call this aad-b2c-oauth2-pqr:

OAuth2 service

I’ll configure this to support both the Authorization code and Implicit grant types, and will configure the authorization/token endpoint URLs to point to our new B2C sign-in policy. Notice that both the authorization and token endpoint URLs use the same format used by the normal Azure AD OAuth2 flow, but with the sign-in policy name in the p query string parameter

OAuth2 service 2

I’ll also add the resource parameter to point to the apim-pqr application we created in the first step:

OAuth2 service 3

Finally, I need configure the client id and secret based on the application id and key for the apim-portal application I created in step 1.

OAuth2 service 4

With B2C, we also need to provide a default scope, otherwise obtaining the token will fail. Here we use the scope to ask for user_impersonation (delegation) to the apim-pqr application.

By this point, I’ll also have the redirect_uri for our API Management OAuth2 service, so I’ll copy this value and add it as a valid Reply URL in the apim-portal application.

Step 4: Configure the API

Now I’ll setup my PQR API in API Management to require authorization using the new OAuth2 configuration:

Configure API authorization

Again, I’ll add a policy to the API that validates the token:

        failed-validation-error-message="Unauthorized. Access token is missing or invalid."
      <openid-config url="{tenant}/v2.0/.well-known/openid-configuration?p=B2C_1_b2c-apim-pqr" />
          <claim name="aud">
    <base />
    <base />
    <base />
    <base />

The only interesting bits here is that the openid-config element should point to the OpenId metadata endpoint for our Sign-in policy, and the audience of the generated token will use the Application Id rather than the App ID URI.

Now, I should be able to obtain a token from the Developer Portal for my API and test the API:

Testing the API

Tomas Restrepo

Software developer located in Colombia.