What is a Collection?

Just found Mads Torgersen's blog on the MSDN site; check out his first serious entry here on what the definition of a collection is and how it affected the C# 3.0/LINQ design. Technorati: LINQ, C#, .NET<br />

A Discussion on Workflow Persistence

I've been having a discussion with Jon Flanders on the WF forums regarding some of the behaviors and semantics of how Workflow persistence works, particularly in regards of how and when workflow persistence and loading/unloading might happen and how it may affect custom event activities. Lots of good stuff there...

I've been switched...

After the announcement a couple of weeks ago that I had been awarded again as a Microsoft MVP, I just learned today that I have been officially switched to a different category. I'm now a BizTalk Server MVP. Technorati: BizTalk, BTS, MVP<br />

IDispatchMessageInspector, Faults and One-Way Operations

One extensibility hook in Windows Communication Foundation I've been playing with recently is the IDispatchMessageInspector interface, which allows you to see the messages arriving at an endpoint before they have been dispatched as well as the corresponding response message before it is sent back to the client. A couple of points...

Paul Andrews on the WF-not-a-toy Department

Paul Andrews, WF Product Manager, has posted a response here on Harry Pierson's comments about the Toy-Nature of some of the Windows Workflow Foundation built-in services. Worth checking out to see a different perspective. Technorati: Windows Workflow Foundation, WF<br />

Event Activities and Persistent Subscriptions

I've talked in past entries about event-driven activities (those implementing IEventActivity) in Windows Workflow Foundation and how to implement them. I discovered most of this stuff by going over all the samples available and a lot of spelunking around using Reflector while trying to create my MsmqActivities for WF. However, a...

BTS Dev Tip: Reduce Cache Refresh Time

Here's one small tip that can make your life a little bit easier when developing on BizTalk Server: Reduce the cache refresh time. Many developers get sometimes frustrated when they make a change to their BizTalk configuration (such as changing the pipeline used by a send port) and BizTalk does...

Rediscovering IEnumerable

My recent experiments with LINQ have taken me to rediscover the power of the IEnumerable interface in .NET. As many of you know by now, one of the cornerstones on which LINQ is built and that makes it so accessible is that it fully supports the very basic IEnumerable interface.</p>...

Statistics in German

After the upgrade to dasBlog 1.9 a few weeks ago, I decided to update my blog template to include the blog statistics macro on the left sidebar, and that has worked fine so far. However, for some reason, this morning the statistics started appearing in German! I ended up forcing...

On Long Identifier Names

I'm all for using descriptive names to identifiers (classes, methods, properties, and so on), however, I also try to keep them to a reasonable length. Too long names are harder to remember, easier to misspell (even with intellisense) and annoying all around. Sometimes, however, you can't avoid ending up with the long ones. I...