BizTalk Server 2006 R2 Pricing

It appears that the pricing for BizTalk Server 2006 R2 has been announced, see here, although the main BizTalk site doesn't seem to have the information yet. It would be interesting to know where the new pricing for Enterprise Edition comes from (35.000 vs 30.000 for BTS06 R1). I wonder...

Articles vs. Blogs

Larry O'Brien posted an interesting piece as a response to Jackob Nielsen's post on Articles vs. Blog Postings. Jackob Nielsen's opinion was that experts should spend their time writing longer, complete articles instead of blogging. Larry shoots down Nielsen's theories based on his own experience, and I'll agree with Larry this...

New Blog Theme

I've been playing the last couple of days with my blog's dasBlog theme and I've settled on a new design for now. There's still some tweaking left to do, but I'm happy enough with the results for now :-) Technorati tags: dasBlog

Visual DSLs

Scott Bellware wrote yesterday on disambiguating fluent interfaces (aka APIs) from domain-specific languages. Rant aside it's an interesting read. Something, however, gave me a chuckle: Scott says: "At some point in the near future, Microsoft will tell the .NET mainstream that DSL's are visual, that they are drag-and-drop, and that...

Atomic Soul

I just picked Russell Allen's Atomic Soul CD a couple of days, and I've been loving it; great stuff and highly recommended. The opening song, Blackout, is pretty strong right from the start, and Seasons of Insanity is sure to remind you playing Doom :-). Technorati tags: Music


I discovered a few days ago another great color scheme I ran into for Vim: Wombat, by Lars H. Nielsen. I've been using this one for a few days now and I'm loving it, so for now it will be replacing moria, my previous favorite. Unfortunately, I don't think this one...

Suspending Messages and Cleanup

Here's another reminder to myself when writing BizTalk Adapters: When creating a receive-side BizTalk adapter, you need to be extra careful about when you can release (clean up) a message part data stream. There are two particular scenarios that I've seen cause trouble for adapters when trying to implement message suspension...

One Year

This past month of may, our company turned one year old. It's been a pretty interesting year with lots of new challenges and it's been a big learning experience for me, in more ways than one. I'd like to thank all the people that have trusted in us and have...

Failed Message Routing and Message Suspension

A long while ago, while BizTalk 2006 was in beta, I mentioned a couple of things about the Failed Message Routing feature and how it related to adapters. Turns out I was a bit off the mark, and wanted to leave this here in case I ever need this information...


Sonu Arora has a great post on what exactly the WCF LOB Adapter SDK does and how it relates (i.e. extends) the capabilities of the normal WCF channel and extensibility model. Her entire blog is worth checking out if you've been wondering just what the fuzz is about, particularly since now...