
Silly little helper PowerShell function that I’ve been finding useful lately when doing some debugging: # get our own process informationfunction get-myprocess {   [diagnostics.process]::GetCurrentProcess()}

Update to /dev/null R2 Adapter

Antti Somersalo brought to my attention that there was a bug in my R2 version of the /dev/null adapter. The bug manifested itself when you tried to export the bindings of any BizTalk Application that used the adapter in one of its send ports, failing with an ArgumentNullException. The problem...

/dev/null Adapter on GitHub

I’ve just uploaded the source code for my old /dev/null BizTalk Adapter sample on GitHub, which is where I’m posting all my utilities, libraries and tools now. The repository contains both the original version of the adapter, as well as the special BizTalk 2006 R2 version I did that showed...

PipelineTesting Acknowledgements

This morning I announced the release of PipelineTesting v1.2.0.0. Now I need to mention that for this release, I need to give a huge ¡Thank You! to the people who contributed to it by reporting bugs and potential problems, providing some great feature suggestions and even some code! These are:...

PipelineTesting v1.2.0.0 Released

I’m happy to announce a new release of my PipelineTesting library! PipelineTesting is used alongside your favorite Unit Testing tool to make it easier to create and test custom pipeline components, pipelines and schemas for BizTalk Server 2006 using Test-Driven Development, or simply to have a set of regression tests...

Console2 and x64

I recently mentioned that version 2.00b140 of the great Console utility had come out. Eddie Velasquez commented on that post that, unfortunately, Console didn't work correctly on Windows x64. I had the opportunity to verify this during the last week. Console2 runs, but all text drawn on the console is...

Updating Old Posts

I was recently looking for an old post I had written on some topic and discovered, much to my dismay, that a substantial number of old entries in my weblog were simply unreadable! Some have code that is very hard to read or poorly formatted, while others force the font...


There's a Vim plugin I've had my eyes on for a while: AutoClose, by Thiago Alves. It's a rather nifty plugin that will complete open-close character pairs, such as quotes, parenthesis and braces, when typing in insert mode. That is, if you type a (, AutoClose will insert the matching...

FixEncoding on GitHub

I just published the source code for my FixEncoding pipeline components for BizTalk Server 2006 to GitHub as well. FixEncoding provides two custom components that can help you resolve issues when resolving charset/encoding issues when receiving or sending messages. I haven't touched FixEncoding in a while, but I still find...

Why GitHub?

Nick Heppleston, a fellow BizTalk blogger and user of my PipelineTesting library, left a comment on a recent post asking why I chose to put the library code on GitHub instead of CodePlex. I think it's a fair question, so let me provide some context. As many of you are...