Win7 and Ubuntu 8.10 on Dell D820

Now that I no longer rely so much on my “work” laptop (a Dell Latitude D820), I’ve been a bit more open about rebuilding it and playing a bit with it. Windows 7 PDC Alpha A couple of weeks after coming home from the PDC in Los Angeles, I bit...

Frans Bouma on M

Frans Bouma posted an entry about Oslo’s M, and if I’m reading it right, he is highly skeptical about it actually making creating Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) any easier. In part, Frans has a point. Yes, it is true that writing a good, complex language is hard. Yes, there’s a...

Some Thoughts on Oslo

I’ve started playing with the Oslo bits a little, and I thought I’d share a couple of thoughts on the platform and its tools: M – The Language M is an interesting beast, but to me the most interesting part of the platform to start with. In particular, I’m looking...

Azuli: A Windows Azure Client

As many have already heard or read, today Microsoft unveiled the Windows Azure Cloud Computing Platform. Besides allowing you to host your own applications, Azure also provides a Blob storage service, a Queue Service and a Table service exposed over REST-based HTTP endpoints. Azuli is my attempt to write a...

PowerShell V2 & Cmdlet Keyword

In the latest entry in the official PowerShell Blog, Jeffrey Snover leaves a little tidbit about a change coming on the next CTP of PowerShell V2: The cmdlet keyword is going away and we'll just have function. Notice that now you can specify the [Parameter()] attribute on parameters.  When you...

Porting C++ Code to 64-bits

Back in the good old days I spent far more time writing C++ code than other things (well, there was no C# back then!). In those days, the initial support for 64-bit compilation was added to the Platform SDK (now the Windows SDK… again!). At that time I couldn’t even...

Add/Remove VS2008 Components after SP1

One of my development Virtual Machines has Visual Studio 2008 installed with SP1. For several reasons, I had not done a complete installation originally, but only certain pieces of it, like Visual C# and Visual Web Developer and some of the Team Developer tools. A couple days ago turned out...

FileMap now on GitHub

After a few years, people still ask about my old FileMap library, a .NET wrapper for the Memory Mapped Files Win32 API, and I get occasional bug reports about it. It’s hard to believe I wrote the original code over 5 years ago! Anyway, I’ve now cleaned up the code...

Encryption Pipeline Component now on GitHub

I’ve been working on organizing the code for my old custom Symmetric Encryption Pipeline Components for BizTalk Server 2006 and I’ve posted the updated code on a new GitHub repository. Be aware that I renamed things a little bit and cleaned other parts of the code. The code includes both...

Explorer in Explorer Mode

I tend to fire up Windows Explorer instances from my prompt very often, either on the current directory or in other spots. I was pretty used to using the “explorer /e, ”</code> command from CMD.EXE but I never had figured out exactly how to use it on PowerShell and have...