One More Update to KeywordClassifier

I’ve just committed some updates changes to my KeywordClassifier extension for Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2. I had already worked around some problems my custom classifier was causing with Beta 2 related to it’s use of a recursive invocation of the classifier services, but @noahsmark proposed a better way to...

LineAdornment Extension Fixed For Beta 2

I’ve now fixed all remaining issues with my Current Line Highlighting extension for Visual Studio 2010. Besides fixing all build issues, I started running into issues where IWpfTextViewLineCollection.GetMarkerGeometry() was returning null when the text snapshot was empty (like an empty line). I reworked the code to avoid this call and...

Updating VS2010 Extensions for Beta 2

Now that Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 is out, I’ve spent some time updating the editor extensions I created for VS2010 using the new extensibility model so that they work with Beta 2. The changes needed haven’t been very extensive, but they were not obvious at first. Here’s a list...

PipelineTesting Per-Instance Config Bug

Mark Coleman found a bug in the implementation of Per-Instance Config support in my PipelineTesting library for BizTalk Server. The problem was related to how the config XML was parsed, and would only manifest itself on certain conditions, depending on how said XML was formatted. Mark was also gracious enough...

MVP Another Year

As many other people have posted today (congratulations to all of them!), Microsoft MVP awards for the October cycle came out today. As a result, I’ve been awarded this year as a BizTalk Server MVP once more. Thanks everyone! </p>

BizTalk Transcoding Component

Gregory Van de Wiele just blogged about the release of his CharacterTranscoder pipeline component for BizTalk. Extremely useful tool for when you need to transcode an message stream from one character encoding to another. Awesome work! </p>

Formatting Byte Arrays in PowerShell

A few years ago, I posted a small utility class I kept around to dump byte arrays in a nice format for reading. I still use that a bit, but got tired of having to fool with test projects to use it sometimes during my debugging sessions, so I finally...

Using Bindings Without a Binding Configuration

A WCF question came up recently on StackOverflow about using a binding for a custom transport through configuration instead of code. My initial reply was that you needed all the right configuration classes associated with your binding so that you could register the right binding extensions for the usage. The...

InitializeSecurityContext() and SEC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY

I’ve been doing some work recently with the Security Support Provider Interface (SSPI) API in Windows; particularly with the Kerberos package. I had used SSPI a lot before (see my WSSPI library for stuff I did with it years ago), but it had been mostly done with NTLM and not...

Converting a .PPTX File to .ODP Format

I had a PowerPoint 2007 presentation this morning that I needed to convert into the OpenDocument Presentation format, to make it usable in OpenOffice 3.0. It was a fairly simple presentation, with no animations or anything, just text and some figures. My first attempt was to simply use the PPTX...