Azure API Management supports multiple identity providers for the Developer Portal. One of these is Azure Active Directory. A common complaint, however, was that when enabling AAD authentication on the developer portal, the sign-in experience would use the default look-and-feel of AAD rather than your organization’s customized sign-in pages.

The reason for this is that unlike many other products and services, API Management always works as a multi-tenant application allowing users from multiple AAD tenants (the ones you configure). Because of this it always uses the common AAD sign-in URL rather than the tenant-specific sign-in URL{tenant_name_or_id}. You can read more about the common endpoint in the AAD documentation.

This changed a few weeks ago on the API Management side. Looking at the release notes, we find this little note:

When configuring Azure AD as an identity provider, it is now possible to designate one of the allowed tenants as a sign-in tenant. All developer portal users will be redirected to that tenant when logging in (instead of the “common” tenant)

The new configuration property on the AAD identity provider is called signinTenant, and can be configured in the Azure Portal experience when adding (or editing) an AAD identity provider:

AAD identity provider configuration

Note: When configuring a new provider, you need to both add the tenant ID to the allowed tenant list, and provide it in the sign-in tenant field if you want it to work.

There is also a nice side-effect from configuring the signinTenant property: Before this, using guest accounts in AAD directories, such as Microsoft Accounts (MSA) or guest B2B accounts to sign in to the API Management Developer Portal was not supported. The reason for this is that when using the common endpoint, AAD has no way to know the target directory to sign the user into.

If you set the signinTenat property, however, this now works for both MSA and B2B guest accounts on the that specific tenant. This enables a lot of useful scenarios for API Management users.

Tomas Restrepo

Software developer located in Colombia.