A few days ago, the preview of Managed Service Identity for Azure was released, opening up some interesting possibilies to access other Azure resources from your application in a secure manner.

App Service is one of the services adding support for managed service identity, including a nice library to make it easier to use.

You can find some documentation for the Microsoft.Azure.Services.AppAuthentication library on the sample here.

I spent some time today looking at it, and would like to share some thoughts about it.

The public surface of the library is fairly simple, and it is easy to use for the purpose it was built. When used on App Service, it is very straightforward to use: It will automatically pick up the MSI_ENDPOINT and MSI_SECRET environment variables and get the token for the resource you specify.

While testing, noticed that the MSI_ENDPOINT variable pointed to[port]/MSI/token/, where the [port] seems to be dynamically assigned for each app.

One interesting question that came up was how to support developing and debugging the application on your local dev workstation when using this library, and it is supported. The basis of this is that the library can be configured to use a mechanism other than MSI to generate the token.

You can modify the default behavior either by explicitly passing a connection string to the AzureServiceTokenProvider constructor, or by storing it in the AzureServicesAuthConnectionString environment variable.

There are several methods supported of authentication supported:

Service Principal Id + Secret:

To use this method, set the connection string to something like:

RunAs=App; TenantId=<tenant>; AppId=<principalId>; AppKey=<secret>

While this is probably the easier method to implement, it’s not very secure, as it will require you to have your service principal credentials in plain text somewhere. So it should not be the preferred method for development.

Service Principal Id + X509 Certificate:

To use this method, set the connection string to something like:

RunAs=App; TenantId=<tenant>; AppId=<principalId>; CertificateStoreLocation=[CurrentUser | LocalMachine]; [CertificateThumbprint=<thumbprint> | CertificateSubjectName=<cn>]

This adds a little bit of complexity to the process. You now need to:

  • Install the authentication certificate on the certificate store
  • Redeploy when the certificate expires

It is somewhat more secure than using application keys as you don’t need to have credentials in plain text. To mitigate the risk of losing control of the certificate, you could use a different Service Principal per team member, but it adds quite a bit of work to the process.

Your Azure CLI credentials:

This is an interesting alternative, based on using whatever credentials you’re using on the Azure CLI to access your Azure subscription. To use this method, set the connection string to:

RunAs=Developer; DeveloperTool=AzureCLI

Internally, this will call az account get-token to acquire the token for the specified resource, using the credentials (access token) stored by the Azure CLI for your subscription

This has the advantage of not having to store more credentials and no plain text, but it’s only as secure as your Azure CLI token.

When I first looked into this, I thought one disadvantage would be that you’d end up accessing the resources under your own account, but then I remembered that the Azure CLI does allow you to sign on using a service principal, so this is not really an issue.

There is, however, one disadvantages I can see:

The Azure CLI allows you to have multiple tokens to different accounts stored. So which one is used by this library will depend on what your active subscription is (i.e. whatever you configured with az account set). That can easily cause your application to break if you change the active account and forget to set it back to the correct one later on.

This part makes me a bit nervous, since it makes it somewhat unpredictable.

Your Azure AD Account

This is another interesting alternative that will work in cases where you are logged into your workstation using a domain account on a domain that is synchronized with Azure Active Directory. You can enable this with the following connection string:


The obvious advantage is that it doesn’t need additional credentials at all, since the library will simply take advantage of your domain credentials to obtain the token to the requested resource.

The big downside is that the applicating will be accessing resources using your own identity, rather than a service principal representing the application.

Final Thoughts

Remember that this is based on an initial preview of the library, and things could change. Maybe some of these methods will disappear or more will be added.

Overall, I was pleasantly surprised by the ease of use of the library. Having considered alternatives allowing you to keep your code simple while still supporting developing and running your application on your local workstation is a very welcome addition.

That said, every method has some advantages and disadvantages to be aware of; just make sure to choose what works for you and meets your security requirements.

I need to think a bit more to decide what I’d consider the best option. The simplest is using your Azure AD account, which will likely work well for isolated developer environments (such as your own MSDN subscription), but it might not be a good choice for other environments.

Tomas Restrepo

Software developer located in Colombia.