I was setting up a simple demo on Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) today and ran into an oddity.The sample project I was using had a mixture of MSTest and XUnit-based tests. This would run just fine in Visual Studio, but after setting up a hosted build in VSTS, I noticed that the build would seem to hang after apparently running all tests, so I had to cancell builds.

Looking at the logs, I eventually found this line, which was not expected:

2017-08-15T16:48:44.4074176Z Information: [xUnit.net 00:00:00.8781599]   Starting:    Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.UnitTestFramework

Suspecting this could be related, I modified the build definition. In the Test Assemblies task, I modified the Test assemblies property to include the following line:


This tells the test runner not to try to attempt to discover or run tests in this DLL.

Surprisingly, this worked and allow builds to complete normally after running all tests.

Tomas Restrepo

Software developer located in Colombia.