In a previous post I mentioned that you could work with the WMI interfaces in BizTalk Server easier in PowerShell than you could with C#, and in a more interactive fashion. Here's something else I cooked while playing with the PowerShell RC1: A PowerShell version of my BTSReset tool!

Update: Fixed code so that it works with PowerShell V1 RTM.


# declare two switch parameters: -start and -stop


param([switch] $start, [switch] $stop)


# get list of application hosts


function get-apphosts


   get-wmiobject MSBTS_HostInstance `

      -namespace 'root\MicrosoftBizTalkServer' `

      -filter HostType=1



# stop the given host


function stop-host($apphost)


   $hostname = $apphost.HostName

   if ( $apphost.ServiceState -ne 1 )


      "Stopping Host $hostname ..."





# start the given host


function start-host($apphost)


   $hostname = $apphost.HostName

   if ( $apphost.ServiceState -eq 1 )


      "Starting Host $hostname ..."





# main script


if ( !($stop) -and !($start) )


   $stop = $true

   $start = $true


if ( $stop )


   get-apphosts | %{ stop-host($_) }


if ( $start )


   get-apphosts | %{ start-host($_) }


Here's a few examples of running the tool from the PowerShell prompt:

PS E:\temp> .\bts-reset.ps1
Stopping Host BizTalkServerApplication ...
Starting Host BizTalkServerApplication ...

PS E:\temp> .\bts-reset.ps1 -stop
Stopping Host BizTalkServerApplication ...

PS E:\temp> .\bts-reset.ps1 -stop

PS E:\temp> .\bts-reset.ps1 -start
Starting Host BizTalkServerApplication ...

Tomas Restrepo

Software developer located in Colombia.