
Justin complains that no one has commented or answered his comments on WS-Addressing. Since some of his comments are directly addressed to me, I think it's only fair to respond :) I've been looking into WS-Addressing, too, trying to understand the whole thing. I haven't quite contemplated all scenarios, but...

xs:any and Validation

Can anyone help me out by clarifying what the correct behavior should be for an XSD validator in the prescence of xs:any? Imagine I had the following schema: </p> <xs:schema targetNamespace="/schemas/valprb1" elementFormDefault="qualified" xmlns="/schemas/valprb1" xmlns:xs="" > <xs:element name="value1" type="xs:string"/> <xs:any namespace="##any" processContents="skip" /> </xs:schema> </p> And the following XML: </p> whatever...

Old MC++ FAQ Feed

Some people seem to still be subscribed to my old RSS 0.91 feed for my MC++ FAQ, which was discontinued a long time ago since I moved it to RSS 2.0. For some reason, I had left lying the original xml file, which should be deleted now. Please update your...

SQL Issue Resolved!

I just managed to resolve the issue I was having with SQL Server 2000 on Windows Server 2003. Thanks go to Steve Kass (a fellow MVP), who refered me to KB Article 309398. The problem was that I had installed on my machine Certificate Server before installing SQL. Once I...

Linked from MS.COM

Found out from my referrer list that one of the pages in the Visual C++ MSDN site links to my MC++ FAQ. OK, no biggie, but I thought it was pretty cool :) </p>

SQL2K and WinServer 2003

I know it's possible to run SQL Server 2000 with Windows Server 2003, but you need a service pack. That's fine. But how the heck are you supposed to do it if SQL2K won't install so you can apply SP3 to it? I tried for a couple of hours yesterday...


I'm just coming back up again from upgrading my notebook (well, my only computer at home, really ) with Windows Server 2003. So far, I've got VS.NET 2002 & 2003 (but with no docs.... msdn too big for me to download!), office 2003 beta 2 and a bunch of other...

SoapExtensions per class

Someone was asking today in the ASP.NET newsgroups if there was an easy way to apply a SoapExtension to a complete WebService-derived class, instead of applying his custom SoapExtensionAttribute-derived attribute class to each and every WebMethod. I looked and, afaics, there isn't one [1], since it seems the runtime won't...

Mattias Sjögren, friend and fellow MVP, has created a new website full of tips and articles on .NET interop facilities (both P/Invoke and COM Interop). If you're using either one, do yourself a favor and stop by :)

Typed Collections

"Until the next version of the .NET Framework (with generics) is released, you might think that you're stuck with framework collections that are typed for elements of type object. Which opens obvious doorways where buglets can slip through.It doesn't have to be that way - here's some basic boilerplate code...