I've been had....

My stupid Internet provider just decided this week to cut out bandwith in half to a measly 128KB/s without actually telling anyone about it. I'm sooo pissed I can't even describe it :@. But boy, are they gonna get an earful from me......

IBlogExtension Preprocessors

Matt Berther replies to my earlier post and proposes a way to introduce preprocessor support for his MovablePoster plugin. While useful, I'm not quite sure if it's actually needed at all. The reason is that IBlogExtension itself lends very nicely to stacking, so it's fairly easy to introduce preprocessors by...

XPathNavigator vs. IXPathNavigable

A few weeks ago, some debate sparked regarding the IBlogThis (now IBlogExtension) interface, and, at that time, Don suggested using IXPathNavigable or XPathNavigator over XmlDocument through the interface. And so, we now have an IBlogExtension interface that uses IXPathNavigable indeed. However, this raises a small question: Why would you prefer...

Site Upgrade

Just upgraded my MovableType installation over to version 2.63. Took a while to be able to update everything on the site thanks to me using a crappy ftp client in the first place :( Besides that, I've also been experimenting with a filter IBlogExtension on top of Newsgator's v1.2 MovableType...

.NET Purity Redux

Scott Hanselman started a whole ".NET Purity" debate a few days ago, which has prompted quite a set of responses (includind a very good one from my good friend Sam. My own personal opinion on the matter (not that anyone would care ) is that .NET purity matters little or...

Congrats to Dare

Dare is celebrating his 25th birthday today. Congrats man! Would've never guessed I'm actually a few months older than you ;) (well, it's actually hard to guess about anyone online, since most of them I've never met) </p>

The case for XHTML

Don talks about why XHTML is a better option than escaped markup when embedded in XML documents (especifically RSS). In general, I agree with him. On the other hand, Brad presents the other side of the coin. Personally, I think XHTML is a much better option, and it's just cleaner...

Hell Week

This has been one crappy week at work. It started off pretty good, and then descended into hell :S. Ohh well, doesn't look like next one is going to be much better. We'll see. At least, I hope I'll be able to be able to manage my time again and...

Short MS Links

Sean & Scott talk about the new http://www.msdn.com/ and wonder whether there are other shortcuts like this. Well, there are. Here are two others I know of: </p> http://www.msoffice.com/ http://www.windows.com </p>

Outdated Blogroll

I haven't updated my blogroll in quite a while. This is, of course, Greg's fault for producing such a wonderful tool. I subscribe now to quite a few more feeds, including of course, much of the MS newcomers and a few others....