More SQL Adapter deployment woes

I've talked about problems deploying BizTalk Server 2004 solutions that use the SQL adapter in the past. Here's another trick that might help you resolve problems with it: When you use BTSDeploy.exe with a binding file that creates ports that use the SQL adapter, the adapter will try to verify...

Compiler Switches Changes for CL.EXE in 2005

For those of you who use VC++, you might have notice that there have been significant changes in the compiler's command line switches that control compilation and compiler behavior. What you may not know is the whole rationale behind this changes, and Brandon Bray does a good job of explaining...

Consuming RPC/Encoded WebServices from BizTalk

BizTalk Server 2004 makes it fairly easy to consume Web Services from orchestrations through the use of the SOAP Adapter and the ubiquitous Add Web Reference wizard it supports. Usually, when you consume a WebService, the Add Web Reference wizard will create a set of multi-part message types (although called...


During this week, I overheard a couple of guys mentioning how nice it would be to have a BTSReset tool, just like there is an iisreset one (sorry Mattias, didn't catch your last name, and I'm terrible with names anyway). So, during a few minutes of boredom I went ahead...

Microsoft Architecture Certification

I've been looking throughout the recently unveiled Microsoft Architecture Resource Center. I'm quite excited about the new site, and the overall approach Microsoft seems to be giving to the topic; I believe it is a step in the right direction. Of course, once can't talk about the new resource center...

Minor update to Null Send Adapter

Just uploaded a minor update to my /dev/null Send Adapter for BizTalk 2004. ChangeLog: Added termination controller to prevent termination of the adapter during send operations Now correctly releases the transport proxy and message factory objects using Marshal.ReleaseComObject() When logging the message to the event log, the Message ID is...

Writing Effective BizTalk Server Adapters

I just noticed that a new whitepaper was published recently by the BizTalk team called "Writing Effective BizTalk Server Adapters" [through luke nyswonger]. Strongly recommended if you are writing custom adapters, as the whitepaper explains the not-so-obvious sides of how the messaging engine works and how the different types of...

BizTalk 2004 Tracer Pipeline Component

I've just uploaded to my website a sample custom pipeline component for BizTalk Server 2004 that can be used to trace message contents as they flow through pipelines. To install it, just copy the assembly into your BizTalk installation's Pipeline Components directory, and add it to the VS.NET toolbox by...

WSCF 0.5 Released

My good friend Christian Weyer and the fellows at Thinktecture have released version 0.5 of WSCF. This is a very exciting release I've been expecting for a while now (I was one of the lucky testers of beta versions of it), and I promise you'll be excited about it as...

Enterprise Library and .NET 2.0

Tom Hollander talks here about how the work of the Enterprise Library (and the whole Patterns and Practices initiative) is going regarding a new version for .NET 2.0 (thanks to Sam for pointing to it!). I think Tom makes a lot of good points and really puts the whole effort...