Of this and that...

Miscellaneous bits here and there. I started reading through Martin Fowler's new book yesterday, and imagine my surprise to find my name listed on the book's preface. Sure, I had written a couple of comments to the author back when he had his ISA pages up (nothing big, really), but...

Yey Gift!

Yesterday, a few of my coworkers got together to give me a present: A copy of Martin Fowler's most recent book "Patterns of Enterprise Application Integration". What a great present! This one was at the top of my to-buy list! Thank you so much to Yenny, Manuel, Gabriel, Hugo and...

Interop Libs Repository

Sam is leading a community effort to create a repository of COM interop libraries and interface definitions, and has gotten started on a GotDotNet's workspace. I think this is a great idea, and I'll try to contribute my bits as time allows!

MS, IBM, Rational and Borland

Quite a bit of sources mentioning the possible lookout of MS to acquire Rational or Borland. Not that I'm excited about the prospect, since I've found Rational products to be quite a disappointement, particularly Rational Rose, which was as bad as they came. I'm surprised, though, that I haven't seen...

Debug Probes

Just read a newsgroup post by MS' Jim Hogg mentioning what sounds like a really cool feature and very useful debugging aid: Customer Debug Probes. Here's a quote: "(In passing, I'll plug the "Customer Debug Probes" feature, in the "Tool Developers Guide" folder -- coming soon. With a config file,...

A Marvelous Gift!

My friend Carlos gave me a wonderful present today: My very own copy of Don's Essential .NET book! Thank you so much, pal!

Es Contexts

Adrian Bateman pointed me towards this great article on EnterpriseServices. It covers a lot of details, although it doesn't fully answer my questions. I wanted, however, to point out one part of the document I think is particularly dangerous. It reads: "When the root object gets created, the associated unmanaged...

New name!

Just found out Adrian Bateman, a name I quickly recognized from Developmentor's excellent DotNet mail lists, has a weblog. Added!

Managed and Unmanaged Contexts

To approach our current EnterpriseServices/COM+ discussion in a somewhat different director, let me ask a question that's been nagging me for a while now. Perhaps someone knows the answer or can point me towards some documentation (online, book, whatever). What exactly is the relation, and the interactions between, unmanaged and...

ES Wishing Well (Part II)

All this whole recent discussion on Enterprise Services and COM+ has made me think a little bit more on what my own opinions on the whole matter, and I've come to a few conclusions: My biggest wish for .NET EnterpriseServices is for them to become more transparent. How so? Well,...