WinServer 2003

Joining the crowd.... I'm downloading WinServer 2003 from MSDN as I write this (but with over 450MB still to go, it will take a while ).</p> I'm still waiting on Everett before I repave my machine, though ;)</p>

Clemens SOA Slide Deck

Clemens mentioned his slides on Service Oriented Architectures from the EMEA Architecture Tour. Just looked at them, and boy, what a nice slide deck! Way to go, Clemens! Definitely something worth looking into!

Ingo and DM

Woohoo! Ingo's done it! Congratulations, my friend! Well deserved, imho, and a great addition to the DM family (this said from someone who's never been to a DM course...)

RPC vs. Messaging

Yasser has been battling the RPC vs. Messaging debate with Chris Kinsman. Plenty of interesting comments. But please bear with this Web Services newbie [1] while I try to present some of my thoughts on the matter, and hopefully clear some things up for myself... </p> I totally agree with...

xsd.exe /c schema.xsd

Simon asks: ", how do I configure VS.NET to run xsd.exe /c schema.xsd?" The answer: You use Chris' XsdClassesGen </p>

A Java Book?

While looking for a new book to start reading today, I reached into my bookshelf and grabbed Brett McLaughlin's Building Java Enterprise Applications, Volume I: Architecture. Yes, a Java book. I don't really do much Java nowadays, but there's plenty going on in the Java world to learn from. And...

DM-Hosted Weblogs Down?

Is it just me? Or is anyone else noticing the same thing?

XML Schema Book

Just finished reading Eric van der Vlist's XML Schema book. While a little dry, I did managed to learn a few new things on XML schema, so it was a very worthwhile read.

Night of the Living Dead

It seems they keep coming back. This time, it looks like Mike Deem might start blogging again..... perhaps.

Niels' Back

Looks like Niels Berglund is back in the land of the living bloggers. Yeay! Let's hope he stays a while :)