Here you'll find a set of utilities and samples I've written on processes, threads, concurrency and general kernel stuff on Win9x and WinNT-derived systems.

A better Thread class

My personal Thread wrapper class.

A few Synchronization classes

Grab a few classes I use to simplify the use of sync objects.

Enumerating 16-bit Processes under WinNT

With some explanations of the process.

Getting the command line for any process on NT

Title says it all.

Using EnumPrinters()

A sample app on this API.

A simple media-locking program for Win95

sample code.

Set File Version

A small command line application that can
change the version number on an existing exe/dll by directly
manipulating the binary image. It will change both the file version directly
as well as the main version resource on it. Written with VC++ 6.0 a
long time ago

Process Info

A simple windows app that can show various information about running
processes. Shows how to use several of the process-related functions in the
Win32 API. Written with VC++ 6.0 a long time ago.

PE Checksum

A sample console line application that show how to use the
CheckSumMappedFile() API to recompute a PE file's checksum value in
the NT header.


A sample console line application that can display the virtual
address of a specific DLL's entry point.