Saving this here for my own recollection later on. Warning, a bit of ranting ahead.

Recently, I’ve been running a lot of trials on top of the Azure managed Kubernetes Service (AKS). One key feature that I needed was the ability to provide services deployed to an AKS cluster with external storage. Since I needed the option to mount the storage shared between multiple pod instances, Azure Files was the way to go.

My first attempt to do this leveraged using automated static volume provisioning, as defined in the documentation. Static just means that you first create the Azure File Share on your own, and then provide the pod with the necessary information to reach it, such as the account name and key, and the file share name.

This worked, sort of. There’s a big gotcha that’s not included in the documentation, and that takes a bit of search-fu to find it.

The problem is file permissions. When using static provisioning, the Azure Files plugin in Kubernetes will default the share permissions to 0750 or 0700 depending on the version of Kubernetes in use.

What this means is that static provisioning, as described in the AKS documentation, is completely useless if the following conditions are met:

  • Your container is configured to run as a non-root user (which is generally the recommended approach for security), and
  • You need to write to the mounted file share.

If you just need to read data from the share, then this is not a problem. If you need to write to it, however, this really throws a wrench into your plans, and the documentation doesn’t tell you how to work around it.

The workaround

The workaround is described in more detail on this sample by Andy Zhang.

  • Create a new Kubernetes Persistent Volume for your Azure Files Share, and override the default file and directory permissions for the file share.
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: PersistentVolume
      name: pv-azurefile
        storage: 5Gi
        - ReadWriteMany
        secretName: azure-secret
        shareName: k8stest
        readOnly: false
        - dir_mode=0777
        - file_mode=0777
        - uid=10000
        - gid=10000
        - mfsymlinks
        - nobrl
  • Create a new Persistent Volume Claim for your service to request access to the Persistent Volume created in the previous step
    kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
    apiVersion: v1
      name: pvc-azurefile
        - ReadWriteMany
          storage: 5Gi
      storageClassName: ""
      volumeName: pv-azurefile  
  • Create a volume for your pod out of the PVC.

      - name: azurefile01
          claimName: pvc-azurefile

Notice that the storage capacity is required on both the Persistent Volume and the Claim, and should be equal or smaller to your Azure File Share size.

The disadvantages

The documented workaround works just fine. However, the whole issue is frustrating on many levels.

First of all, making it hard to follow the recommended practice of running containers as non-privileged users makes no sense to me. This should be easy, and work right away without having to result to these complicated steps.

Second, the fact that the documentation doesn’t warn you about the issue, and doesn’t provide a link to the solution, is very frustrating, and causes you to lose a few hours for no good reason.

While I can sort of understand why restricting the default Unix permissions on the file share, it seems to me this is just a very leaky abstraction, than on a platform like AKS doesn’t make a lot of sense.

The most frustrating aspect for me, however, is the fact that using Persistent Volumes forces you to have to create those manually before you can deploy applications. If you just need to reference a single Azure File Share, then it’s sort of OK, but if you need to reference several, it quickly adds to a lot of work. You need to manually create at least 2 Kubernetes objects (a Secret, and the Persistent Volume) for each share.

I’m using Helm to deploy my application, and now I can’t simply deploy the helm chart. I need to manually create stuff, ensure it’s correct, and only then can I deploy it. This is just cumbersome.

I wish you could just adjust default permissions directly when creating the volume, but alas, apparently this is not possible with the Kubernetes model (or simply unsupported by the Azure Files plugin).

Update: Posted some additional findings here

Getting fixed!

Update 2018-11-15: Looks like this issue is finally fixed in Kubernetes v1.11.4 with the default permissions for Azure Files reverting to 0777. Great news.

Tomas Restrepo

Software developer located in Colombia.