Here's a sample PowerShell script/functions to start/stop BizTalk orchestrations. This is an extended version of the Stop-Orchestration VBScript included in the BizTalk 2006 SDK, which I hope someone finds useful :-).
The script can be used to start or stop either a specific orchestration or a group of orchestrations defined in a BizTalk assembly. For example, to stop and unenlist all orchestrations in a given assembly, you could use this:
stop-orch -assembly 'MyProject.BizTalk, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=50b7b2906e3f8aa5' -unenlist
Here's the code for the script:
$script:bound = 2
$script:started = 4
$script:controlRecvLoc = 2
$script:controlInst = 2
function script:get-assemblyfilter([string]$assembly) {
# The BizTalk WMI provider uses separate properties for each
# part of the assembly name, so break it up to make it easier to handle
$parts = $assembly.Split((',', '='))
$filter = "AssemblyName='$($parts[0])'"
if ( $parts.Count -gt 1 ) {
for ( $i=1; $i -lt $parts.Count; $i += 2 ) {
$filter = "$filter and Assembly$($parts[$i].trim())='$($parts[$i+1])'"
return $filter
function script:find-orch([string]$name, [string]$assembly) {
# We want to be able to find orchestrations by
# name and/or assembly. That way we can control
# all orchestrations in a single assembly in one call
$filter = ""
if ( ![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($name) ) {
$filter = "Name='$name'"
if ( ![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($assembly) ) {
$filter = "$filter and $(get-assemblyfilter $assembly)"
} else {
$filter = $(get-assemblyfilter $assembly)
get-wmiobject MSBTS_Orchestration `
-namespace 'root\MicrosoftBizTalkServer' `
-filter $filter
function start-orch([string]$name, [string]$assembly) {
$orch = (find-orch $name $assembly)
$orch | ?{ $_.OrchestrationStatus -eq $bound } | %{
write-host "Enlisting $($_.Name)..."
$orch | ?{ $_.OrchestrationStatus -ne $started } | %{
write-host "Starting $($_.Name)..."
[void]$_.Start($controlRecvLoc, $controlInst)
function stop-orch([string]$name, [string]$assembly, [switch]$unenlist = $false) {
$orch = (find-orch $name $assembly)
$orch | ?{ $_.OrchestrationStatus -eq $started } | %{
write-host "Stopping $($_.Name)..."
[void]$_.Stop($controlRecvLoc, $controlInst)
if ( $unenlist ) {
Technorati tags: BizTalk Server 2006, PowerShell