A few people have asked already about my PowerShell script for configuring a development environment for .NET / Visual Studio / SDK work, so I thought I might as well break it into it's own script.
Here it is:
# Configures the .NET / Visual Studio / Windows SDK
# Build environment. Loosely based on the SDK batch files.
# First it will try to set up the environment for .NET 3.5
# and VS2008. Failing that, falls back to .NET 3.0/VS2005.
$NETFXDIR = "$env:WINDIR\Microsoft.NET\Framework"
$FX20 = "$NETFXDIR\v2.0.50727"
$FX35 = "$NETFXDIR\v3.5"
function script:append-path {
$env:PATH += ';' + $args
function script:append-lib {
if ( test-path('Env:\LIB') ) {
$env:LIB += ';' + $args
} else {
$env:LIB = $args
function script:append-include {
if ( test-path('Env:\INCLUDE') ) {
$env:INCLUDE += ';' + $args
} else {
$env:INCLUDE = $args
function script:get-vsdir([string] $version) {
$regpath = "HKLM:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\$version"
if ( test-path($regpath) ) {
$regKey = get-itemproperty $regpath
return $regkey.InstallDir
return $null
function script:set-vsenv([string] $version) {
$VSDIR = (get-vsdir $version)
if ( $VSDIR -ne $null ) {
append-path $VSDIR
append-path "$VSDIR..\..\VC\bin"
append-path "$VSDIR..\Tools"
append-include "$VSDIR..\..\VC\include"
append-lib "$VSDIR..\..\VC\lib"
return $true
return $false
function script:get-psdkdir {
$regpath = "HKLM:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\"
if ( test-path($regpath) ) {
$regKey = get-itemproperty $regpath
return $regkey.CurrentInstallFolder
return $null
function script:set-psdkenv {
$sdkdir = (get-psdkdir)
if ( ($sdkdir -ne $null) -and (test-path $sdkdir) ) {
append-path "$sdkdir\bin"
if ( test-path "$sdkdir\include" ) {
append-include "$sdkdir\include"
if ( test-path "$sdkdir\lib" ) {
append-lib "$sdkdir\lib"
# if .NET 3.5 is installed, default to that, otherwise use 2.0
if ( test-path(<
span class="Identifier">$FX35) ) {
append-path $FX35
append-path $FX20
if ( -not (set-vsenv "9.0") ) {
[void] (set-vsenv "8.0")
Feel free to customize as you see fit :-).